da 5flrf | Ott 18, 2019 | Beauty
I gazed into the mirror and applied a gray paste carefully to the top of my head with a spatula. The paste stuck to the remaining hairs, matting them together as questions of a new identity loomed on the horizon like the light of a new day. The treatment would have... da 5flrf | Ott 18, 2019 | Beauty
Q. Why do pretty people get away with murder? A. Preservation of the species. Huh? How could those two ideas possibly be connected? They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder. That’s partially true, but the symmetrical face with a particular set of characteristics...
da 5flrf | Ott 18, 2019 | Lifestyle
I started writing letters to my kids once a month when they were born. My boys are now 16 and 14, so they have 192 and 168 letters respectively. I’m not done yet, either: I promised to continue writing to them until they turn 18. I won’t lie and tell you I started...
da 5flrf | Ott 18, 2019 | Beauty
I had just walked in the door when you sidled up next to me. “Can I show you something?” You showed me your iPad, face lit up with eager excitement. You watched me closely, looking for a happy or grateful reaction — something to reinforce your discovery. Instead, you...
da 5flrf | Ott 18, 2019 | Beauty
One evening when I was about 10 years old, I found my mom sitting cross-legged on the living room floor by a lamp. She was gazing at herself in a hand mirror, and an open rectangular box wrapped in red satin with Korean writing on the lid sat nearby. As I got closer,...