da 5flrf | Ott 18, 2019 | Beauty
My first reaction is what beauty? I’ve definitely crossed over to the invisible side. I rather prefer it that way… My whole life my weight has fluctuated quite a bit and my self-image with it. When I’ve been fat, I’ve been ugly — at least in my mind. I noticed that... da 5flrf | Ott 18, 2019 | Lifestyle
We bumped along a rutted dirt road in a rented SUV, parking a quarter mile from the trailhead leading to the summit of Mount Democrat. The four of us hoisted backpacks stuffed with water, food, dry socks, and extra clothes onto our backs. The thin, 38-degree air... da 5flrf | Ott 18, 2019 | Travel
When I saw the old man waiting by the pond with his camera my heart fractured a little along the fault lines, already weak, still vulnerable. He was counting on the cormorants, their wings spread wide, and waiting for the mating beavers, swooping under the surface,... da 5flrf | Ott 18, 2019 | Lifestyle
There are these moments in your life where you don’t know where the power is coming from, but you find yourself making a choice, a choice you never imagined you would make — even in your bravest daydreams — but somehow, you choose, and everything changes. Gainesville,... da 5flrf | Ott 18, 2019 | Travel
A little over a year ago, I quit my job, sold my home and gave away 99% of my possessions so that I could travel the world. It was the most exciting thing I’ve ever done. To me, quitting a great job was very scary (No more income! A large gap in my employment history!...