da 5flrf | Ott 18, 2019 | Beauty
I recently took a bath for the first time in the small bathroom of an apartment where I’ve lived for five years. That’s a long time to neglect such a simple pleasure. As I lay there, all warm, rubbery and relaxed, I started thinking about why. Practically, there was...
da 5flrf | Ott 18, 2019 | Lifestyle
In “Tell Me Why,” she tells the story of a boyfriend with a mean streak. “You took a swing, I took it hard/And down here from the ground I see who you are,” she sings. In “Blank Space,” she addresses a revolving door of unhealthy relationships. “Boys only want love if...
da 5flrf | Ott 18, 2019 | Fashion
I am sharing about what it means to have a soul remembering, why we have a soul led experience, and how to integrate when we have a past-life or soul remembered energy come into our lives. I am especially focused on power places and how they can affect us...
da 5flrf | Ott 18, 2019 | Inspiration
Making a list of failures is never an easy task. I mean, who wants to look at what went wrong? Who wants to recall the low points? Who wants to revisit the times you tumbled down the cliff and landed at the bottom, broken and bleeding? I do. Not because I’m a...
da 5flrf | Ott 18, 2019 | Fashion
Ask just about anyone who keeps up with Broadway, and most people will agree that it’s having a bit of a teen musical Moment. Broadway musicals for and about teenagers are a relatively new phenomenon in the grand scheme of things. 2006’s Spring Awakening was arguably...