
Culture and, in particular, the works belonging to Italy’s inestimable historical artistic and artistic heritage, stratified over the centuries and progressively enriched through modern and contemporary art, represents a resource of enormous value, still largely unexpressed, for the development and well-being of communities The aim of the Fondazione Patrimonio Italia is to promote the safeguarding, study and knowledge of art through the circulation and dissemination of ancient, modern and contemporary works by Italian artists or, in any case, from Italian collections, even if created by artists of different origins, with particular attention to works kept in areas previously not accessible or scarcely accessible to the public.

This aim is to combine the valorisation of Italian art and connoisseurship, both public and private, with the overall artistic and historical-artistic system in order to contribute to the cultural and economic growth of the country..

The aim of the Fondazione Patrimonio Italia is to promote the safeguarding, study and knowledge of art through the circulation and dissemination of ancient, modern and contemporary works by Italian artists or, in any case, from Italian collections, even if created by artists of different origins, with particular attention to works kept in areas previously not accessible or scarcely accessible to the public.

This aim is to combine the valorisation of Italian art and connoisseurship, both public and private, with the overall artistic and historical-artistic system in order to contribute to the cultural and economic growth of the country.